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Domaininfo: Infos und News zu Domains.

1 août 2006

What is MHonArc. What can i do with MHonArc. Many Informations und Tips about MHonArc.

What is MHonArc?

MHonArc is a Perl program for converting mail or news messages into HTML archives. It can also be used to convert individual messages into HTML documents. Other capabilities include robust MIME support and powerful user customization features.
1 août 2006

Informations about MHonArc. Why is it better to use MHonArc!

Why Use MHonArc?
Here are some reasons for using MHonArc:

a.. You want to keep organized archives of mail or news articles for a World Wide Web (WWW) server; complete with live hypertext pointers to their authors and to any url's mentioned.
b.. You would like to control the layout of your archives to keep a consistent style to your WWW pages.
c.. You have MIME messages that you want to include in your archives.
d.. You have a WWW client, but no MIME mail reader. MHonArc will allow you to read MIME messages that includes images, audio, video, etc via your Web client.
e.. Multi-platform support: Unix, Windows, MacOS, etc. Basically, MHonArc should be usable on any platform that Perl has been ported to.
f.. MHonArc is free software.
g.. You think the MHonArc logo is really cool, and it deserves to be used.
h.. You like Perl, and you want to see what it can do.
i.. Just cuz.

28 juillet 2006

New Domain Informations of Domains - Infos for Domains und Domain Registering

A domain name is an alias for an IP address. Now what is an IP address? An IP address is a numeric code that signifies where to look through the Internet for content. An example of an IP address would be Rather than typing in a long and easily forgotten IP address, a domain name helps you by typing an easily remembered name to access the same site.

For example, is a domain name that points to a specific IP address. People can remember a domain name such as much easier than they can a long numeric code.

Domain names are everywhere as many use it everyday. Think of search sites. Google and Yahoo both have corresponding domain names and If you have ever sent an email you have used a domain name. For example when sending an email to, is the domain name.

Now that we have a better understanding of domain names, we need to know which domain name to pick and where can we register it. The domain name chosen for a web site can be a very important decision of marketing your company on the Internet. Its quite easy to just say pick a catchy domain that everyone will remember to use and you are set. In most cases it is that simple and you are set on your way to register the domain. However, at times the domain name you want has already been taken. And then you must think of a secondary name that you wish to use that will be just as catchy as the first.

OK, now you have picked your domain name you want. What is next? You need to choose a registrar for you domain name registration. There are many registrars who sign up and are available for the year, but you get no service from them whatsoever. Here are two domain name registrars that I would recommend for completing your domain name registration.

1) Domains at Retail ? registrar that registers domain names. We provide great service and have 24/7 customer support. .com domain names are normally on sale for $8.75 US / year, however they are currently being run on promotion for $7.95 US / year. Visit Domains at Retail at for Cheap domain registration and excellent customer service.

2) Domains at Cost ? excellent registrar with very competitive prices. I use this registrar for my .ca domain name registrations and renewals. They offer an excellent price ($14.41 CDN per domain name registration) and I am always able to get someone on the phone and my questions answered. Please Visit Domains at Cost at for .ca Domain Name Registrations!

Good Luck with your domain name registration process and your start to your online marketing!

Michael Kralj is owner of Emenki Web Solutions and Domains at Retail. Emenki Web Solutions are web site designers and programmers based in Hamilton, Ontario, providing businesses with an informative and strategic approach to establishing an online presence on the web.

Please visit Domain Order on the web

Please visit Domains at Retail - Cheap Domain Name Registration on the web:

20 juillet 2005

Was ist eine Domain? Hier die Antwort!

Heute habe ich mich mal informiert wie und was eine Domain genau ist bzw. bedeutet.

Eine "Domain", zu deutsch "Domäne", ist ein Teil des DNS-Namensraumes. Das DNS ist eines der wichtigsten Dienste im Internet und wird hauptsächlich zur Umsetzung von Namen in Adressen verwendet. Die Domäne umfasst die gesamte untergeordnete Baumstruktur. Gleichzeitig ist der Name eine Domäne auch ihr "FQDN". Zu deutsch Fully Qualified Domain Name bedeutet, dass der Domainname eine eindeutige Bestimmung eines Knotens im Namensraum ist. Zum Beispiel gibt es die Domäne "". Zu dieser gehört noch ein Host und weitere Subdomains. Der Begriff "host" sollte nicht mit einem Server verwechselt werden. Ein Host ist ein Computer, der in einem Netzwerk vorhanden ist, auf dem ein oder mehrere Server betrieben werden. Als Subdomain wird, wie das Wort schon sagt, eine Domäne bezeichnet,
welche sich unter der Hauptdomäne befindet.

Falls ihr noch mehr wissen wollt dann geht doch einfach auf Domain-Info.

14 juillet 2005

Wunschdomains einfach registrieren. Domain Registrierung ganz einfach.

Wenn Ihr eine Domain anmelden wollt und nicht wisst WO, dann geht auf und registriert Euch Eure Wunschdomain. Die Anmeldung und Einrichtung ist super einfach und genauestens erklärt.

Bei Fragen steht Euch der Support jederzeit zur Verfügung.

11 juillet 2005

Domain-Info: News zu Domains.

Willkommen auf meinem Domain-Info Canal-Blog :)

nachdem ich vor 2 Jahren auf meine erste Domain registriert habe, bin ich begeisterter Homepagebetreiber.

Noch nie nen Ausfall gehabt und trotzdem auf Top Servern vertreten :)

Nächstes mal verrate ich euch meinen Domainnamen, ist was mit Linux und Knoppix wenn ich vorab mal Infos geben mag. Ansonsten könnt Ihr ja die Landesendung meiner Domain erraten.

Domaininfo: Infos und News zu Domains.